Beyond the Bar:
Generative AI as a Transformative Component in Legal Document Review

We are excited to publicly share the research paper Beyond the Bar: Generative AI as a Transformative Component in Legal Document Review

Which reports the results of a joint experiment by Redgrave Data and Relativity on the use of generative AI for document review in eDiscovery.

Big shout out to the authors: Roshanak Omrani, Eugene Yang, Evan Curtin, Tara Emory, Lenora Gray, Jeremy Pickens,

Nathan Reff, Cristin Traylor, Sean Underwood, Dave Lewis, Aron Ahmadia

Beyond the Bar presents a study of the first head-to-head comparison of an LLM-based review prototype with a first-level human review team in a live legal matter, with both using the same review protocol, and both assessed by the same expert attorneys. The results may surprise you!

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